On March 27, 2007 Machine Head released its 6th Studio album "The Blackening" is possibly one of the greatest Metal albums of all time, produced by the bands very own Frontman Robb Flynn.With songs lasting nearly 10 minutes each, crazy dueling guitar solo's, insane machine gun like drumming and ripping vocals, and the most original heaviest riffs since the 80's thrash metal scene. With the Current music scene being mostly interested in people singing about their relationship break ups and really dull stuff in life Machine Head came out with an album that shouts out the problems with the World, nothing but pure aggression from this album.
With only 8 songs on the album they cemented there place in the world as one of the greatest metal bands of all time. I bought this album when it came out and the opening 10 minute track just blew me away and i would recommend this album to anyone who wants to get out some aggression when they hear music.
The albums single, Aesthetics of Hate which is a fight against the man who made fun of Dimebag Darrels career as a metal guitarist. Machine Head clearly sent there message to that man and showed how good there guitar skills are.
This album has won awards such as Metal Hammers:Best Album, Kerrang: Best Album and the band also won Kerrang:Hard Rock Hero and Metal Hammers:Golden God Awards.
I saw Machine Head back in June in Glasgow being supported by Lamb of God and Chimaira, and that was a really life changing experience, the whole building was shaking, the circle pit during the bands classic track "Davidian" was huge!!!! and i will be going to the Black Crusade in November to see them again.
Here is the single from "The Blackening" Aesthetics of Hate
:) never knew that about dimebag, you was the guy takin the Diss out of his music??
still think burn my eyes is better tho :D nvm, machine head rule :)
Michael, even though Hard Metal is not my 'cuppa tea', you were able to sell to me your type of music and I have more than an appreciation of metal now. Your article made me sample the video post, and although I am still not a big fan of Machine Head, I was really impressed by your post. Good stuff!
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