My task was to interview a historical figuire so i chose to interview the infamous Guy Fawkes. He was known for attempting to blow up the Houses of Parliment which would displace the prostestants rule buy killing King James I of England and the entire Protestant aristocracy, but his attempt was well known and we celebrate the 5th of November as Guy Fawkes night.
So Mr. Fawkes, When is your birthday?
Guy Fawkes: on 13th April 1570 in Stonegate, York.
Any brothers or sisters?
Guy Fawkes: My older sister Anne, was born on 3rd October 1568 who died seven weeks later. Apart from that i have two younger sisters , Anne (born 12th October 1572) and Elizabeth (born 27th May1575).
Ah ok, So were you part of a group when you decided to try and blow up Parliment?
Guy Fawkes: I was apart of a group called Roman Catholic Recusants who wanted to get rid of the protestants rule.
What did you do before you decided to blow up parlement?
Guy Fawkes: In 1592, i sold my dads house that i inherited. In 1593, i was a footman for the 2nd Viscount Montague, I enlisted in the army of Archduke Albert of Austria in the Netherlands and fought with the armies of Catholic Spain against the Protestant United Provinces in the Dutch Revolt.
So is that how you learned about explosives?
Guy Fawkes: Yes, thats why i chosen by the group and i was placed in charge of executing the plot because of my military and explosives experience.
Well thats all from Guy Fawkes now thank you for your time.
There are many books that explain the story of Guy Fawkes attempt of blowing up parlement and V for Vandetta is sort of like a tribute to Guy Fawkes but in modern day times, they all have good meaning to them so its worht watching or reading.